How often have you overheard or taken part in a discussion about what you would doing you won the lottery?
I’ve often found these conversations rather dull as they invariably involve flash cars, cruises and other vulgarity. Or the implausibly pious…
So I was thinking what I would buy with winnings of different amounts, archaeology themed of course.
£1 – a Chelsea bun from Honey’s
£10 – A nice new trowel
£100 – Boots
£1000 – Emlid Reach RS+ GNSS receiver plus pole etc.
£10,000 – Magnetometry drone
£100,000 – Lidar survey of my study area
£1,000,000 – Retirement, so I can more of the archaeology I want
£10,000,000 – Build an institute for what I’m interested in, walking distance from my house.
£100,000,000 – Influence and persuasion to protect and advance scholarship.
£1,000,000,000 – Crete